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If you have come this far, it is because you are a community of owners representing your property administrator or president of the community of owners or, on the contrary, you are private owners of a home that you need the IEE for an intervention and thus benefit from the numerous aid that exist or because you have received a letter or request from the town hall or gva because you have exceeded the age of 50 years of your building or home, so the presentation of the IEE is mandatory from that moment.

Well, do not worry because from CERTASVAL we carry out the IEE or evaluation report of the building as well as its management, processing and registration before the regional registry of the GVA, but we also process and manage the #helpsIEE for the year 2021 as we have done in That is why we have exclusively dedicated this page to IEE grants so that you can see what they consist of, beneficiaries, amounts and data of interest.

As #tecnicocolaboradorGVA I can make the BUILDING EVALUATION REPORT as well as the request for said aid that I will summarize below. If you want more information about what the report consists of, parts, how it is carried out and other aspects related to the same visit On this website in the IEE section / tab all the information where I have also put an explanatory video. I leave the link


The purpose of these regulatory bases is to establish the procedure for the concession, under a competitive concurrence regime, of housing aid for the realization of the Building Evaluation Report in order to promote its realization, especially by the communities of owners, as a previous step to undertake rehabilitation actions.


Communities of owners, groups of communities of owners or sole proprietors of predominantly residential buildings, who have registered the IEE after the date established in the corresponding call, may be beneficiaries of this aid, according to the model established by the General Directorate of Housing, Rehabilitation and Urban Regeneration Natural persons in whom any of the circumstances established in article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, general on subsidies, may not obtain the status of beneficiaries .


The Evaluation Report of the Buildings subject to this aid program, in accordance with article 180 of Law 5/2014, of July 25, of the Generalitat, on spatial planning, urban planning and landscape, will analyze in detail, aspects related to the state of conservation of the building, the determination of whether or not the building is susceptible to incorporating reasonable adjustments in terms of accessibility, and the evaluation of the energy efficiency of the building.

The content of the report as well as the procedure for its preparation will be detailed in the document recognized with code DRD 08/15, called “Procedure for the preparation of the Building Evaluation Report. Comunitat Valenciana ” , accessible free of charge from the electronic headquarters of the Generalitat, or its subsequent updates, which includes the inspection guide and the IEE.CV computer tool necessary for the preparation of the report .


1. The application will be formalized electronically, by means of a standardized form, within the term established in the corresponding call.

Individuals, sole proprietors of buildings who do not have technical means, may go, during the application submission period, to the offices of the regional directorates of the Department, located at Avenida Aguilera, number 1 (03007 Alicante) ; Avenida del Mar, number 16 (12003 Castellón de la Plana), and at Calle Gregorio Gea, number 27 (46009 València), where they will be assisted by technical personnel for their presentation.

2. The following documentation will be attached to the application.

2.1. In any case:

a) Act of the community of owners by which a representative of the same is appointed to process the application for aid.

b) Invoice of fees for the realization of the evaluation report of the building, accompanying the bank document that proves that the payment of the invoice has been made through a financial institution and not by payment in cash.

2.2. In those cases in which applicants, in application of the provisions of article 28 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the common administrative procedure of public administrations, express their opposition to the Administration electronically collecting documentation necessary for the processing of the file, they must also provide:

a) Simple note from the Property Registry relative to the building.

b) Certificates of the Tax Agency and General Treasury of the Social Security and Ministry of Finance and Economic Model regarding the fulfillment of their tax and Social Security obligations.


1. Amount of aid.

A maximum aid of 20 euros will be granted for each of the houses in the building, and 20 euros for each 100 square meters of useful space of the premises, without in any case exceeding the amount of 500 euros for the building, nor 50 percent of the cost of the report.

2. Scale criteria.

The evaluation of the applications will be made according to the criteria and priorities established below.

a) Number of dwellings in the building.

- If the building has 20 houses or more: 3 points.

- If the building has less than 20 dwellings: 1 point.

b) Depending on the construction quality according to the predominant cadastral category of the building:

- In homes with cadastral construction category 7, 8, or 9: 10 points.

- In homes with cadastral construction category 6: 8 points.

- In homes with cadastral construction category 5: 5 points.

- In homes with cadastral construction category 4: 3 points.

- In homes with cadastral construction category 1, 2, or 3: 1 point.


1. The initiation of the granting procedure will be carried out ex officio, by means of a resolution calling for the aid.

2. The procedure for granting aid will be that of competitive competition.

3. Within a month after the day on which the deadline for submitting aid applications ends, it will be published on the website of the Department of Housing, Public Works and Vertebration of the Territory and on the Notice Board of the services Territorial Housing and Rehabilitation that for this purpose is enabled, or by telephone through telephone 012, the list of applications, indicating those that are complete, incomplete and pending correction, indicating the documentation that needs to be provided or corrected, this publication having the notification character for the purposes of this order.

In the event that for justified reasons said list could not be published within the indicated period, the new date of publication of the same will be communicated on the aforementioned website.

4. Once the documentation has been completed, the applications submitted that meet the required requirements will be ordered from highest to lowest score, taking into account the scale criteria included in these bases, and the list of applications that will be awarded the aid of the Generalitat, until the budget allocated to these grants is exhausted.

In case of equal scores, the application with the lowest telematic entry registration number will prevail.


1. The person in charge of the general management with competence in housing matters is delegated to issue a resolution at the proposal of a collegiate body. The resolution will expressly indicate that it is adopted by delegation and will be deemed issued by the delegating body, exhausting the administrative route.

The collegiate body will be made up of the heads of the General Sub-Directorate of Housing and Urban Regeneration, the Head of the Rehabilitation Service, the Head of the Housing Coordination Service, the Head of the Economic Planning and Urban Regeneration Service and the heads of the competent territorial services in housing and rehabilitation matters.

2. The processing of the files will correspond to the territorial services competent in housing and rehabilitation, in their scope of action.

3. The maximum term to resolve and notify the resolution, which will put an end to the procedure, will be six months from the publication of the corresponding call. After this period has elapsed without an express resolution having been issued and notified, the applicants may consider their application rejected.

4. The resolution of the call for aid will be published on the portal, as well as in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana. Applicants who have provided a mobile phone number may be notified of the publication of the final list by SMS text message.

Publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana will replace individual notification of the resolution, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the common administrative procedure.


The aid of this program cannot be made compatible with other aid that for the same concept may be granted by local corporations or any other administrations or public entities.


The beneficiary person or entity, by virtue of the provisions of Law 38/2003, of November 17, general on subsidies, is obliged to:

a) Provide any document or information that the General Directorate of Public Works, Urban Projects and Housing deems necessary to control compliance with the intended purposes.

b) Submit to any financial control action that corresponds to the Generalitat Intervention, in relation to the grants and subsidies granted.

c) Communicate the obtaining of other subsidies or aid for the same purpose, coming from any administrations or public or private, national or international entities.

The call for 2021 is pending to be published where once published, the pre-registered will be informed of the NEWS for 2021 since an increase in the amounts to be subsidized is expected. It is expected to be published for APRIL-MAY 2021 until the deadline of June 30 APPROXIMATELY.

Therefore, if you are a property administrator, president of the community or individual owner. #PRE-REGISTER TO HELP THE BUILDING EVALUATION REPORT in the following form to avoid exhaustion of the same and last-minute crowds as in previous editions since they are granted by order of registration in the regional registry of the GVA. I will inform you of all the doubts you may have and how to face the process for your rehabilitation or conditioning of the building. I WAIT FOR YOU.



Ayudas oficiales a reformas y rehabilita
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00:00 / 09:18


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