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Other services

Next I go on to detail the rest of the services that I offer, detailing their particularities and their rates, although depending on which cases they will have a specific and personalized assessment with which their price will have to be consulted.The field of action of these services will be carried out for the Valencian Community and neighboring provinces to the Valencian Community.

It is intended to provide a quality service and transparency in prices so that the client knows first-hand before hiring the service what their total costs will be and not have surprises during work with price increases. The fees are fixed and agreed upon according to the rates described below, except when conditions or requirements are changed by the client. Prices very undervalued or below the real market value in my humble opinion should not be taken into account because it is not the true price for which the client will pay at the end of their projects or works. All doubts will be answered with personalized attention and detailed explanation if the client considers it so.

Realization of pool projects of standard measures of 4x6 m or 4x8 m, rectangular in shape, including the realization of the project + Health and Safety Study + Waste management study + license processing at the town hall at a price of1000 + VAT + VISA . If you want a different geometric shape, different dimensions or other needs outside of the traditional pool, check prices.

Also if you want the price of an infographic (Optional) to know the exact result of your pool before doing it when there is only the plot without having intervened by choosing the memory of qualities and materials and forms of how you want it, the price is350 euros, VAT not included . It is a great support and security document as proof to reflect exactly what the client demands from the company executing the works for possible claims if it does not conform to the model presented. It is also a way to optimize the purchase of materials more accurately, saving costs.

Direction of execution of the work + safety coordination + approval of the construction company health and safety plan + Final certificate of work =750 euros, VAT not included whenever the client wants to carry out the execution of the work under technical supervision to guarantee the maximum quality and safety in the execution process and that it is a pool with the same geometric characteristics and dimensions, in the case of another type of pool, check prices, including end of work and end of coordination certificates as well as the corresponding visa.

Note: The cost of making this type of swimming pool from the specialist company that is made with these dimensions and with an execution of brick or block walls with interior reinforcement of gunite concrete and a tile finish with the plumbing-electrical and treatment plant. with circulation pump and filter ranges between 9,000 - 12,000 euros.

There are companies specialized in this matter for which I can advise you.

Pool infographic



Carrying out demolition projects for buildings or homes with isolated situations, with buildings between party walls in widening areas or with buildings between party walls in old town centers. Depending on the situation and characteristics of the building, the fees are different since the level of complexity and danger determine the price.
The price includes the Demolition Project + Basic Health and Safety Study + Waste Management Study + Technician's Civil Liability Insurance + Demolition Execution Directorate + Demolition Work Safety Coordination Directorate + Demolition Work Visa in College of Architects Technicians + Processing and administrative management in the City Council of the Work License + Displacements + final certificate of work.

A) Isolated building: 8 euros / m2 built

B) Building between party walls (in Ensanche): 12 euros / m2 built

C) Building between party walls (in the Old Town): 15 Euros / m2 built

In the case of buildings in a situation of imminent ruin where it is necessary to shore up the previous demolition to maintain the stability of the building, a previous demolition report of its condition will be needed with a shoring certificate. Consult fees for these two procedures.
Note: The constructed m2 to be considered will be those that appear in the property or building's cadastral file.



According to RD 396/2006, the work plans for the removal of asbestos must be signed and drawn up by competent technicians in the field of PRL, being required that they be superior with the 3 specialties, I can offer this service to the companies that do the work of asbestos removal and that they are subscribed and registered in the RERA since I have the required enabling qualification when they need to carry out these works in activities such as: demolition, dismantling of fiber cement plates on the roof, removal of sanitation facilities to replace downspouts of fiber cement, maintenance, repair, work with residues, etc. being able to carry out generic or specific work plans. The price of these work plans is as follows:
Specific Work Plans: for programmable jobs such as demolitions, repairs, maintenance, etc.
- Standard asbestos project / work plan: 650 euros + VAT + VISA
Infographic - Business Model
In the activity projects, three large groups are distinguished: the interior design project, the project to reform the premises and the opening project and, according to regulatory requirements, the self-protection or emergency plan and / or installation projects to start carrying out the exercise.
Depending on situations, the last two can be managed jointly or sometimes only the opening is needed because there will be no reforms in the premises or changes that make the first two dispensable. I will now detail fees and the complete process for their preparation .
A) Projects to open commercial premises or industrial warehouses without works
1) Safe Activities or Environmental Communications (drugstores, hairdressers, retail stores, hardware stores etc):
Local opening projects:
- From 0 to 120 m2 according to m2 of the property's cadastral record or real m2 measured on the premises = 350 euros
- From 120 to 300 m2 (3 e / m2): 890 euros
- From 300 m2 the price will be: 2.5 euros / m2
2) Responsible environmental declarations or declarations of spectacle-recreational activities in premises or warehouses (bars-restaurants-pubs, warehouses, storage and sale of commercial products, etc.), environmental or qualified licenses:
- Premises or activities up to 120 m2: 625 euros
- Premises or activities from 120 m2 to 250 m2 (5.20 Euros / m2): 1,300 euros
- Premises or activities from 250 m2: 4.5 euros / m2

Optional: Environmental impact study if necessary + (DIC) if necessary on undeveloped land and the LOTUP requires it + Self-protection plan if necessary according to RD 393/2007 rest of the documentation required in law 6/2014 that according to cases will require some points or others. Consult technician the fees of these points.

If there are works, a reform and conditioning project will be presented jointly but in two files, consult fees if necessary.


If you want to know before reforming your premises or starting the works the true state of your premises of how it will be or how you really want it, with the qualities you demand, the materials you prefer, with workspaces and furniture and exact finishes to As you can imagine, it is very convenient that you carry out this service so that before starting the reform that the company executing the reforms has in hand how the client wants its business model. It is a good preliminary document to be able to demand and then there are no surprises. It is also a way to optimize the purchase of materials more accurately, saving costs. The price for this service is 450 euros . The client will be provided with the different points of view of the premises, focusing on the type of business they want through a digital presentation with images and virtual videos of 3D modeling + Rendering + Postproduction.
C) Project of reform and conditioning of the premises + Direction of execution of works of reform of the premises + Health and Safety coordination work
If the client estimates and wants their premises to be supervised by a technical director during the course of the work and to have greater assurance of the proper completion of the works, the price is 1,300 euros for premises or activities of up to 300 m2 throughout the time that the works last which can be between 2-5 months.
In the case of needing an electrical project, I can also offer you this service because I am a qualified technician, it will be necessary on the premises when there is no installation, the existing one is defective or the characteristics of the activity demand a larger installation, an electrical project will be needed because the existing does not cover the needs of the activity. The fees are 1,200 euros up to premises of 300 m2 and it is processed at the Ministry of Industry and not at the town hall. The registration costs and fees for industry such as the collegiate visa are apart from the price of the project that are not fees of the technician and that if the client wishes their management in industry the price is 50 euros, so the total price would be 1250 euros.
For gas or air conditioning project, if necessary, consult a technician.
Note: In those cases where a project is not required, only a bulletin by an authorized installer will be necessary attesting to the proper functioning of the existing installation.
The client must pay the City Council of his locality where he has the activity for rates of approximately 70-100 euros up to premises of 150 m2 and the construction, works and installations tax between 2-4% of the PEM. and in cases of responsible declarations and qualified environmental licenses, an OCA certificate will be required, which usually costs between 200-300 euros. All these costs are outside the fees of the technical author of the activity project, but they are disclosed for informational purposes so that the client takes into account all the expenses necessary to open their business. These costs are municipal and not technical fees.
Prices without VAT 21% - without visa (50 euros); They include license processing at the town hall with all administrative management and travel included up to 25 km. From said mileage price 0.25 euros / km. In addition, the Certificate of Urban Compatibility is included in order to start the Activity project.


Security Coordination in new construction
Local Security Coordination
Safety Coordination in Façade Rehabilitation
Safety Coordination in Roof Rehabilitation
I am a health and safety coordinator as well as a senior prevention technician in the 3 specialties, so I am a competent technician and I can prepare all projects, plans and studies related to occupational health and safety.
Then for works with a project according to RD 1627/1997 , the promoter will be obliged to prepare a health and safety study in the project drafting phase in building works projects in which any of the following cases occur:

- That the execution budget per contract included in the project is equal to or greater than 75 million pesetas (€ 450,759.08).

- That the estimated duration is greater than 30 working days, employing at some point more than 20 workers simultaneously.

- That the estimated volume of labor, understood as the sum of the working days of the total number of workers on site, is greater than 500.
Note: In the case of not exceeding 450,000 euros but in the work there are doubts on the part of the promoter of its possible duration or estimate, it is important to justify a good planning of work execution by means of a time planning to establish if it has to be carried out a health and safety study or a basic safety study, since it has to be justified before the official body. Therefore the rates will be as follows for promoters:
The price of the security studies, whether basic or not basic, includes the detailed study of the project for the execution of the building or house, the visit to the site, writing the report, the specifications, the measurement and the budget, preparation of plans, printing of plans and photocopies, paper and binding, SRC and college expenses.
These documents are not prepared with a computer program, of the many existing on the market, but are drawn up from their own databases, adapting them to each specific project, depending on their specific characteristics, thus not having risk assessments, generic and standardized by trade. Risk assessments that, as such, are not the object of the basic health and safety study or study.
The prices do not include IVA
Regarding the health and safety plans carried out by the contracting companies participating in construction works and which are carried out based on the safety and health studies with the company's own means and the work systems and procedures that they will use.
In addition, it must be clarified that by law, even if the plan is carried out by a competent technician, said plans can only be signed by the contractor or representative of the contractor company of the works. Said PSS must always be on site due to the possible requirement of the labor inspection.
For PEM budgets up to 1,000,000: 850 euros
For PEM budgets up to 500,000: 700 euros
For PEM budgets up to 250,000: 640 euros
For companies that act as promoters and construction companies at the same time or that are contracting companies different from the promoter but who want a service to carry out the plan based on the study made by the same technician, consult the price. And for PEM over 1,000,000 euros consult fees.
For works without a project where they are not regulated by RD 1627/1997 in communities of owners, such as maintenance or repair work, the Preventive Management Document or specific risk assessment will be required, where it must be prepared for the contractor of the Works by a Superior Prevention Technician with which I offer this additional service both for contractors or prevention services and its price is:
For the Health and Safety Coordination in the execution phase, the fees have been stipulated contrary to what has been done many years ago and even in many cases today in an erroneous way due to ignorance or professional malpractice causing security coordination deficit and of very low quality putting at risk the client or promoter of the work and the technician himself because the stipulated fees were and are in many cases well below the real market value with what was not given and a service of quality as required in many cases but above all and above many in this type of services since a price is given based on a percentage of the PEM without addressing or evaluating the conditions or the real requirements of the work, with which The prices stated below are based on:
- Duration of the work
- Number of contractors on site
- Number of subcontractors on site
- Number of dwellings in the work, be it a multi-family building or individual dwellings
Based on the foregoing, I have established rates for alleged real estate developments with a duration of up to 12 months or 1 year.
- Work of 1 house + basement + 2 floors above ground + sloping roof or roof + with party walls on the sides and a single facade: 1,000 euros
- Work of 1 house between party walls of a plant with flat roof: 700 euros
- Work of 1 house with 2 floors with flat roof + backyard : 850 euros
- Building work in a block of 3 flats with a flat roof of 4 floors between party walls and interior patio : 1500 euros
EXTRAS: Any promotion with different characteristics will be valued as follows from the previous prices:
- 100 euros / unit of dwelling of more from the 2nd
- 100 euros for each contractor from the 2nd
- 100 euros for each month that the work lasts for more than 1 year, starting from month 13. It is important to have a work planning to estimate its duration and to be able to accurately stipulate the total fees.
- 50 euros for each subcontractor or freelance
- 2 Homes on two floors with a backyard without basement with sloping roof between party walls with foundations of isolated footings and straps or tie beams of 16 months duration with 1 main contractor and 5 subcontractors: 1,750 euros
- 10 Duplex or semi-detached houses, common basement, and 2 floors (pb + p1) with foundation slab and basement walls without potholes with back patios, rear façade, flat roofs, lateral enclosures in the first and last townhouses, estimated time of 2 years, 2 main contractors and 5 subcontractors: 4,050 euros
- Reviews of the security plan so that it adjusts to the true physical and real work that is going to be executed. All discrepancies and corrections to be made by the contractor due to deficiencies in the plan will lead to new subsequent revisions if it does not fit the work and the fees for this concept will be:
- 100 euros 1st Review (mandatory) and 60 euros for each review from the 2nd onwards (optional if the PSS is not adequate or correct).
- Plan approvals: For each security plan of each contractor, if there is more than one: 150 / unit per contract.
- Safety plan reviews : project modifications in execution units or change of use in machinery and auxiliary means provided for in the initial safety plan and / or reviews of each plan due to deficiencies: 75 euros with a new approval visa included.
NOTE: Prices are without VAT, with coordination visa included
For the coordination of the rehabilitation works, it will be taken into account if they are for renovation of houses or premises in interior places or if on the contrary they are in repairs of facades, roofs or installations of elevators outdoors since the risk increases considerably when dealing with work at height.
Coordination in premises and / or homes - facades-roofs:
- Duration of work: 100 euros per month
- Work risk in premises-dwellings: 100 euros
- Risk of work on roofs - facades -
lift shafts: 200
- Plan approval by contract (mandatory): 100 euros
- Plan review by contract if there are anomalies: 50 euros
- Subcontractor or self-employed: 50 euros for each
1) 2-month local renovation with 1 contractor, 4 subcontractors, approval + 1st revision of the plan : 650 euros
2) 3-month facade repair, 2 contracts, 1 subcontractor, 2 approvals (1 per contract), 1 plan revision: 850 euros.
3) Repair of roof and facade of 5 months, 1 contract, 2 subcontractors and 1 plan review : 950 euros
For scaffolding projects or assembly plans for façade renovations where a scaffolding installation project is required by the municipal body, the following assumptions have been distinguished to establish their rates, always following RD 2177/2004 and the UNE regulations that affect to this type of auxiliary means.
- Façade surfaces up to 50 m2: 200 euros
- Areas of 50 - 100 m2 of facade: 300 euros
- Areas of 100 - 500 m2 of facade: 800 euros
- Areas of 500-1000 m2 of facade: 1,300 euros
Prices do not include VAT or visa by the professional association
They will be necessary when the manufacturer's configuration typology is modified, the scaffolding not being installed according to the standard configuration that comes in the manufacturer's manual by default, due to different needs or geometries on the facade, which will require the justification of structural stability by means of a calculation note.
- Façade surfaces up to 50 m2: 300 euros
- Areas of 50 - 100 m2 of facade: 400 euros
- Areas of 100 - 500 m2 of facade: 1,000 euros
- Areas of 500-1000 m2 of facade: 1,600 euros
Prices do not include VAT or visa by the professional association
The Technical Architect, once the scaffold has been installed and assembled, will verify that the scaffold has been assembled according to the project or assembly plan, following the instructions and in case everything is good, he will agree to its use and use for its commissioning, issuing a certificate. stability and compliance
The price of this service will be added to the prices before the project, whether with a calculation note or without a note, and will be as follows:
The prices of the project or assembly plan will be increased by 20% as a concept of issuance of the certificate of conformity-stability.
Scaffold towers
European tubular scaffold
Hanging scaffold
The graphic representation made by a technician must comply with the standards required by the General Directorate of the Land Registry, which can be read on its electronic headquarters. In addition, they must comply with Law 13/2015, of June 24, on the Reform of the Mortgage Law and the revised text of the Real Estate Cadastre Law.

If the graphic description of the plot in the General Directorate of the Land Registry is incorrect, it will imply that they will charge you more or less taxes than you are entitled to.

Alternative graphic representation (RGA) is necessary in land reorganization operations (segregations, divisions, subdivisions, etc.).

Incorrect information can also cause problems when making a sale, since the appraised value will not correspond to the real one.

It can even be a problem if the farm is urban, as it may condition us on the buildability of the plot.

The alternative graphic representation is presented telepathically at the electronic headquarters of the General Directorate of Cadastre: If it is necessary to register the property, you must go to a notary with all the documentation. Once the deed is done, the notary will register the new property in the Property Registry.

There are two possibilities for the client to establish the prices and fees of the technician, which are:

- Validation or representation without the need for a topographic survey of the parcel because the boundaries and dimensions that they present are adjusted with those of the cadastre, but it is desired to make modifications such as segregations on the parcel, groupings that do not involve perimeter modification, so from the existing cad and gml we will create the new GMLs for cadastral validations with the SHP Georeferencing systems such as GVSIG and from the new parcels or treated surfaces of the original as subdivisions, obtain the GML to make the validation by a technician who must have a digital signature authorized to carry out the procedure and thus be able to go to the notary, registry and cadastre and that the coordination between all of them is satisfactory.

- Validation with previous topographic measurement since the boundaries or geometry of the plot does not conform to the cadastral file and a prior planimetry is necessary to establish the new geometry and boundaries, perform with gvsig the obtaining of the georeferenced delimiting points and then validation using GML. The measurement is carried out either by drone with photogrammetry where georeferenced points are taken by means of orthophotos, by means of manual GPS where the technician makes a walking tour around the perimeter or by seasonal GPS where by satellite connection he is parking in each vertex that makes up the perimeter that you want to reflect in the RGA and thus extract the points or their coordinates and then georeference them with GVSIG and obtain the GML.

RGA- cadastral validation without survey: 350 euros

RGA with also survey and solar-plot measurement:

surface: 0 - 400: 550 euros

surface: 400 - 1000: 800 euros

surface area: 1000 - 2000: 1,150 euros

surface area: 2000 - 5000: 1,800 euros

surface area: 5,000 -10,000: 2,350 euros

I act as a judicial expert whether it is on my part when a client requests my services or if it is ex officio when the court requests my services.There are various branches of expertise in which I participate which are pathologies in building, real estate appraisals, measurements acoustics, documentary review such as construction projects, contracts etc for which there have been discrepancies such as measurements or certifications etc.
As a Real Estate Appraiser I offer, among other matters, the following:

- In all types of urban evaluations (real and current state of buildings, work promotions).
- In determining the equity value
- Inheritances
- Separations, divorces
- Business assets, income valuation or economic exploitation
- Mortgages
- Loans
- Contradictory expert appraisals
- Fixing cadastral values
- Urban modifications
- etc...
- houses, land, plots
- Harvest, trees, plantations of all kinds, natural resources
The prices for expert reports on land and solar appraisals will depend on the appraised value are:
For plots or building land:
- Up to 100,000 Euros: 600 Euros
- From 100,000 to 600,000 Euros: 1,300 Euros
- From 600,000 to 1,200,000 Euros: 2,100 Euros
- From 1,200,000 to 2,000,000 Euros: 2,800 Euros
- From 2,000,000 to 6,000,000 Euros: 5,400 Euros
- More than 6,000,000 Euros: 7,500 Euros
For land or rural land and appraisal of harvest, trees, plantations of all kinds, natural resources:
- Up to 60,000 euros: 480 euros
- From 60,000 to 200,000 Euros: 750 Euros
- From 200,000 to 600,000 Euros: 1,350 Euros
- From 600,000 to 1,200,000 Euros: 2,270 Euros
- From 1,200,000 to 2,000,000 Euros: 3,170 Euros
- From 2,000,000 to 6,000,000 Euros: 6,300 Euros
- More than 6,000,000 Euros: 9,500 Euros
For buildings:
- Up to 100,000 euros: 700 euros
- From 100,000 to 600,000 Euros: 1,400 Euros
- From 600,000 to 1,200,000 Euros: 2,320 Euros
- From 1,200,000 to 2,000,000 Euros: 3,220 Euros
- From 2,000,000 to 6,000,000 Euros: 6,200 Euros
- More than 6,000,000 Euros: 9,300 Euros
For pathologies: The prices of buildings multiplied by 1.5 will be applied to assess damages and estimate them by pathological processes.
For income appraisals: for activities with economic exploitation:
For reports of current construction status, for non-compliance with regulations, project review, completed or ongoing construction, etc.: Consult
For reports on the prevention of work risks in work accidents etc.

Minor Work : Any work with a low budget and entity, which does not involve an increase in the volume of the building, and does not affect the structure or the change in living conditions (paint, change pavement, tile, replace toilets, etc.).

Descriptive and constructive technical memory of the works, plans of the current and renovated state, valued budget memory of the works, basic study of safety and health, processing and management of the license with the town hall will be carried out.

Responsible declaration of minor works: 600 + VAT

Obra Mayor : When it comes to:

  • to. New construction. When it involves an increase in volume and / or surface, as is any new construction, or any reform that involves an expansion of the existing construction.

  • b. Reform that affects the structure. For example, elimination of load-bearing walls, creation of openings in the façade , elimination of columns, etc.

  • c. Change in habitability conditions

  • d. We eliminated a partition that reduces the number of bedrooms, it is a major work, since despite the fact that the partition is not structural, we have changed the living conditions, going from having, for example, 3 to having 2 bedrooms.

  • e) If we change the use of construction, for example, from premises to housing. This change of use requires a major building license.

Work projects with partition redistribution, etc: From € 650
For facade and roof projects according to PEM:
- From 0 to 5,000 Euros of PEM: 750 euros without VAT + without a college visa.
- From 5000 to 20,000 Euros of PEM: 1,200 Euros without VAT + without college visa.
- From 20,000 to 50,000 euros of PEM: 1,600 euros without VAT + without a collegiate visa.
- For PEM greater than 50,000 euros: Consult
NOTE: To the project prices must be added the direction of material execution of the work, the health and safety study, the coordination of health and safety of the works, the façade scaffolding project, plus the safety conformity certificates of the scaffolding assembly, final certificate of work and safety of exterior facade elements with their corresponding visas.

Rising plans for Sale: € 1.40 / m2

Capacity certificates for premises: From 140 euros + VAT
The fees for this type of Project for temporary and removable installations are the following:
- 700 euros / unit of castle tent or stage + VAT + Visa for small or medium party commissions
- 1000 euros / unit tent for large festive commissions where a large number of occupations or attendees is expected + VAT + Visa
Prices include travel, procedures with the city council to request a license, project, self-protection plan and electrical memory
All reports and certificates will be made according to:
◾Decrete 24/2007, of February 23, of the Consell, which approves the Regulation of Traditional Bullfighting Celebrations of the Valencian Community (Bous al carrer).

◾ Decree 120/2010, of August 27, of the Consell, which modifies the Regulation of Traditional Bullfighting Celebrations of the Valencian Community (Bous al carrer), approved by Decree 24/2007.
Project - Drafting report prior to the assembly of bous al carrer : 400 euros + VAT
Certificate of assembly of bous al carrer per day : 200 euros + VAT
Old Construction Certificate, Antiquity Certificate, or current status certificate for existing buildings
It is usually requested when a home is not registered in the Property Registry, or even if it is registered, when there are aspects that do not match.
For example, a villa that was built but not registered and therefore only the plot, an extension of a house, the construction of a swimming pool or a garage without registering, etc.
In general, when there are discrepancies between the surfaces or buildings registered in the Property Registry and reality. Banks require it when granting a mortgage loan, and it is highly recommended, in buying and selling processes, to ask for it if what the deed expresses does not coincide with physical reality.
Carrying out safety and emergency plans as a Technical Architect and Senior Technician for the prevention of occupational risks in fireworks. For both documents, each one must be signed separately by a competent technician and that is why I will detail the rates for each of them:
- Security plan: 300 euros + VAT
- Emergency plan: 300 euros + VAT
Carrying out studies of real estate developments for both residential and tertiary use, studying in detail the land or plot depending on whether it is undergoing urban transformation, is not, or is already consolidated land, establishing all the construction costs of the development to be achieved, the costs with the administration and how they affect the development, the bank costs, the NPV, detailed study of the urban parameters, the costs of projects and the agents that would intervene in the development, possible costs of habit easements on the land or solar, bank study of the costs that would entail carrying out a promotion with the banking entities according to the best possible conditions of promotion etc. as well as the economic study of the income plan or income that can be obtained according to the promotion, whether they are income for a residential promotion or income from economic exploitations of activities that are susceptible to ge Nerar income from tertiary use, It would include real estate appraisal of the land to know the real market value for a possible negotiation in the purchase of the asset from the seller etc. In the event that the developer or individual does not have a pre-established land or plot, He can advise you in the search for land that may be useful for the activity you want to carry out.
A study that will help the developer or builder who is looking for plots for possible promotions if they are profitable or capable of generating income in the short, medium or long term.
The study includes visits to banking companies, county councils and town halls, the environment department, cadastre, etc., to various organizations that are necessary to collect all the information necessary for the feasibility study to be of the maximum guarantees. The client at the end of it will be delivered a report in paper and digital format.
The fees detailed below will be charged and subsequently discounted if the promoter has our services in a possible future promotion, within the period from the delivery of 12 months, both in the direction of execution of the work and in the coordination of health and safety in the execution phase and the completion of the health and safety study, approval of the health and safety plan, etc. .. of the same. Previously, the fees of the possible future promotion would be provided and as long as they were accepted, the future discount would be made in the promotion.
All this so that before the possible purchase of the land the client has the total certainty and security that they are viable and profitable in the short, medium or long term and can consider whether it is really convenient to make the investment in the purchase of the land or not it is.
ECONOMIC VIABILITY STUDY OF PROMOTIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL OR TERTIARY USE: 3,500 EUROS + VAT + travel necessary for meetings (0.25 euros / km)

Summary Fees

New build

Rehabilitation work

The fees for the direction of execution of works for residential buildings are single-family homes or multi-family buildings or block flats are established according to the type of building and according to the unit cost of execution that will be set by the IVE (Valencian building institute) , where the product of said cost per m2 and the total constructed area of ​​m2 will be applied and thus establish a PEM very close to the real one where the fees have been derived from it, where from the estimate of the PEM a 4% of fees of the director of execution of the work - facultative direction (promoter) on the PEM.
These fees do not include the fees for drafting the safety study or basic study and the fees for the coordination of safety and health in the execution phase. These fees are listed in the health and safety coordination section. Travel to work is included.
The functions to develop will be the following:
a) Study of the project before execution such as the writing of the budget report studying the possible real costs of construction from official prices of price bases and thus know the possible real construction costs by the construction company by setting prices units in the budget memory revised of the price bases as well as revision of the measurements that have been considered in the project and their writing.
b) Realization, based on the project and a written and / or revised budget and measurement, of a planning / scheduling of times / work as closely as possible to the reality of the future work.
c) Review the certifications of the construction company so that they are correct and the work has all the documentation required by the LOE (Building Regulation Law) and the CTE (Technical Building Code).
d) Analyze and optimize the Project to be executed, providing as many technical, economic, functional and environmental improvements as possible.
e) Preparation of the quality control plan, carrying out its subsequent monitoring and requesting the necessary tests from the testing laboratories.
f) Preparation of the building book.
g) Verify the reception on site of construction products, ordering the performance of tests and precise tests.
h) Direct the material execution of the work, checking the layout, the materials, the correct execution and arrangement of the construction elements and the facilities, in accordance with the project and with the instructions of the project manager.
i) Carrying out the instructions and orders that are necessary reflecting in the order book.
J) Sign the act of setting out or commencement of work and the final certificate of work, as well as preparing and signing the partial certifications and the final settlement of the work units executed.
k) Carrying out the monitoring and control of the work executed both in the economic, deadlines, quality and execution areas according to the project.
Unit execution costs :
- Isolated single-family residential building with a height of less than or equal to 3 floors, with less than 20 homes with an average useful area of ​​70 m² and an average level of finishes: 686.62 euros / m2.
Example: House of 250 m2 - PEM: 171,655; Fees: 6,866.2 euros
- Isolated single-family residential building with a height of between 3 and 8 floors, with less than 20 homes with an average useful area of ​​70m² and an average level of finishes: 704.23 euros / m2.
- Residential building between party walls with a height of less than or equal to 3 floors, with less than 20 homes with an average useful area of ​​70m² and an average level of finishes: 597.06 euros / m2
- Residential building between party walls with a height of between 3 and 8 floors, between 20 and 80 homes with an average useful area of ​​70m² and an average level of finishes: 556.70 euros / m2
Residential building between party walls with a height of more than 8 floors, between 20 and 80 homes with an average useful area of ​​70m² and an average level of finishes: 570.62 euros / m2
Example promotion of 20 Flats of 70 m2 / unit + common areas (15%) - PEM: 918,698.2 Euros ; Fees: 36,747.92 euros
- Open residential building with a height of more than 8 floors, between 20 and 80 homes with an average useful area of ​​70m² and an average level of finishes: 599.15 euros / m2
- Residential building between party walls with a height of between 3 and 8 floors, located in the historic center, with between 20 and 80 homes with an average useful area of ​​70m² and an average level of finishes: 695.87 euros / m2
Example promotion of 20 flats of 70 m2 / unit + common areas (15%) - PEM: 1,120,350.7 Euros ; Fees: 44,814.02 euros
- Residential building in a row with a height of less than or equal to 3 floors, with less than 20 homes with an average useful area of ​​70m² and an average level of finishes: 656.77 euros
Example promotion of 10 townhouses of 150 meters / unit - PEM: 985,155 Euros ; Fees: 39,406.2 euros
Energy Efficiency Certificate
If you want to sell your house, home, flat, commercial space, land and you do not know how and are in a hurry to do it, I propose to advise you and manage your sale so that you can carry out your transaction more quickly since as a technical architect and building engineer I have the knowledge so that your house is more attractive in the housing market since, among other things, I do appraisals to put the real sale value of your property in the market and thus be its most attractive price but the client earning money since his idea It could be undervaluing your home by putting a lower price when in reality it is worth more or putting a more real price when you could ask for an inflated price not adjusted to the reality of the moment. That is why I advise you and do a real estate appraisal of your property, I make infographics of rendered 3D models so that your house is seen in a more striking, realistic and attractive three-dimensional format for future buyers, I also offer the services of the necessary energy efficiency certificate for the sale of your property and all the necessary distribution plans to perfectly describe your home and that conceptually it is easier to reach the client, in addition to the advice on the type of contract with the clauses and stipulations that must be included in the contract of arrás or reserve as in the contract of sale, having contracts that best adjust according to the operation that is made, whether it is sale or rent or depending on the type of property as well as all the management of the publicity of your property so that it reaches the maximum possible potential buyers, calculation of the cadastral value to know first-hand the value of the tax (ITP ) of property transfers and thus be able to really know what you have to pay without more than what is stipulated as well as the value of the capital gains tax (IPT) in case of a land sale and that you really know and justify what you have to actually pay. In short, all the technical management. All this so that your asset or house is more attractive and has a greater value than it would have if all these procedures are not carried out together. I also have knowledge of languages ​​such as English that facilitate dialogue with potential foreign buyers. Enjoy the comfort of having a professional who performs the entire process without having to worry about anything.
FEES: Management of the sale of the property and meetings with clients + appraisal of the property + realization plans of the property + 3d infographic with rendering of the property + energy certificate of the property and its management-processing + drafting of the purchase and sale contract + calculation of the value Property transfer tax (ITP), Calculation (IPT) of land, measurements of homes, premises and / or land : 2.5% of the appraised value
Example: appraised value of a house of 200,000 euros : 5,000 euros
Once in the premises of our business we have the certificate of urban compatibility, the project for the adaptation of the reform of the premises, later the activity project, the certificate of capacity of the premises, we have a final step which is the road occupation license public or terraces and watchmen where to request it you must have the activity project in advance to be able to request it where you will need a technician to carry out all the administrative management and the descriptive memory and plans for its implementation.

The terrace license is the procedure that must be requested, generally by hospitality businesses, in order to use part of the exterior space of the public thoroughfare as a terrace, where items such as tables, chairs, umbrellas, stoves, etc. can be included. The types that exist According to the months that the terrace is going to be used, the licenses can be classified into:

  • Annual license: Used all year round.

  • Seasonal License - Normally used May 1 through October 31.

  • Eventual license: it is used for certain dates, normally the reason is usually a holiday.

The price of the service consists of:

- Visit to the premises and data collection.

- Location map at 1/1000 scale

- Plan of the terrace at 1/100 scale, limited and justifying - the current regulations.

- Memory with photographs and furniture files.

- Delivery in pdf and digital format all documentation

PRICE: 140 + 20 euros / unit (set of tables / chairs) + 20 euros / unit (umbrellas, heaters, dividers, etc.) + 50 euros for city hall processing + travel 0.25 euros / km from km 20 + VAT

Example: Terrace with 8 tables and 4 umbrellas: 120 + 8 x 20 + 4 x 20 + 40 = 400 + VAT + travel if necessary

The ford license is the procedure to use the sidewalk on a regular basis for entry and exit of vehicles. It is usually associated with the recess of the curb of the sidewalk. The limits of the ford are marked with special signs. The license number must appear on them; if not, it could be an illegal ford.


Permanent ford: you cannot park at any time of day.

Non-permanent ford: there are times of the day when you can park and others when you cannot

By their typology they can be:

- New Ford

- Expansion of the existing one

As determined by the Circulation Ordinance , depending on the activity of the premises, there are three types of schedules:

–Vado of 24 hours every day of the week :

a) Garages of communities of owners that have a residential character.

b) Garages for single-family homes or premises for this purpose.

c) Public garages with rotating parking spaces not linked to any other activity or in the case of hospitals, large commercial areas, entertainment venues or centers dependent on the Public Administration.

- Ford from 08:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday .

Intended for premises linked to an activity and depending on this schedule.

- Vado from 07:30 to 21:30 from Monday to Saturday.

Aimed at premises linked to an activity and depending on this schedule, such as supermarkets, warehouses, vehicle repair shops.

Rates vary depending on the area of ​​the municipality of Valencia in which you are located.

For the granting of the ford license, the request for the same, the necessary plans, the report signed by a technical architect containing a report and a description , photographic report, displacement and management in the municipality of the procedure will be delivered. The cost of the license is according to municipalities and if works are necessary for its location as well as the annual payment fee for its maintenance.

Certificate of compliance with municipal regulations of Vados, Vado Report with memory, necessary plans + administrative management: 300 euros + VAT + visa (if necessary according to municipalities).

NOTE: These rates are applicable for premises or homes that do not require a change of use previously, otherwise the rates must be consulted.

Document authorizing implementation of tourism promoters thereof. At the beginning of this type of activities, it will be necessary to request, together with the activity / environmental or opening license, the authorization of operation and tourist activity.
The competences in tourism are transferred to the Autonomous Communities, so it will be these that establish the requirements. Tourist licenses affect hotel establishments, tourist apartments and vacation homes, although the regulations in the latter case are not developed equally in all communities.
The procedures differ between hotel and non-hotel establishments (apartments, rural houses, holiday homes). In all cases, the owner must make a responsible declaration of the start of activity that contains technical information on compliance with the minimum requirements for establishments based on the corresponding regulations. Once the responsible declaration has been submitted, the establishment must be registered in the Tourist Registry of the Autonomous Community.
Included in the price: plans, technical report on compliance with habitability regulations, processing in the managing body of all the license documentation, data collection in the property
NOTE: In case of requiring works of conditioning of the house or other complex or activity for the declaration of responsible tourist accommodation, the reform project and activity, if it is, will be separate fees.
As Technical Architect am trained and accredited as a technical competent to perform such projects as bringing law to carry out projects of industrial buildings for storage, commercial etc. I include in the price of the project, the direction of the work, license management, quality control plan, waste management study, structural calculation, reports, specifications etc ... at a price of 18 euros / m2.
Then, for example, for a 1000 m2 warehouse the price of the industrial warehouse project will be 18,000 euros + VAT + visa
The project will not include the health and safety study and the health and safety coordination where the prices will be as stipulated in the safety section of this website, as well as the topographic survey of the site, nor the geotechnical study by specialized company where it usually cost 1500-2000 euros. The license or city council fee is approximately 4% of the PEM. Also later I can offer the activity project that its price will be set in the activity projects section of this website
The topographic survey: 1500 euros + VAT
Installation projects: Consult
As a Technical Architect I am trained and accredited as a competent technician to carry out this type of projects according to law, with which for the realization of projects of sports facilities such as paddle tennis courts, and other sports.
To carry out these projects I include in the price of the project, the management of the work, license management, quality control plan, waste management study, structural calculation, reports, specifications and health and safety study, etc. at a padel court project price: 3,000 euros per unit of padel court + VAT + VISA.
The health and safety coordination in the execution phase will have a separate fee and which will be as stipulated in the security coordination section.
Both the topographic survey of the site if they are uncovered, and the geotechnical study for the study of the terrain are costs apart from those of the project where the geotechnical study usually costs 1500-2000 euros. The license or city council fee is approximately 4% of the PEM.
Also later I can offer the activity project that its price will be set in the activity projects section of this website
The topographic survey: 1500 euros + VAT
Electrical installation project: Consult
It is the project to correct before the city council, having made the pool without a building permit. The project is very similar to that of a conventional pool. The deadlines for the project are between 15 days and 1 month.
It is the procedure by which the City Council (in the most frequent case of private swimming pools) or the Ministry in question (the health department frequently for the legalization of certain aspects in community swimming pools), will verify that the work of the swimming pool and the execution of its facilities comply with current regulations.
THE PRICE is equal to the cost of the pool project indicated in its pool projects section
As a Technical Architect, I am qualified by the law of competences in carrying out this type of project, so the client can save a lot of money since it is not necessary to hire an architect since I act as project manager and designer of the project.
The community of owners to proceed with the installation of an elevator necessarily needs
contribute to the city council an "elevator installation project" that, depending on the geometry of the building and its spaces, would study the best location of the elevator, either in the stairwell, in the patio of lights or on the façade in the Exterior. This project in principle with basic content, must be written by a surveyor or technical architect in all cases where a modification of the initial architectural configuration is not needed, so in most cases it will be a technical architect who carries out said projects. It will describe the works to be carried out, the situation within the general floor of the building, the number of stops, and the size of the cabin.
For the drafting of this project, it is a priority to make an appointment at the municipal offices between the city council technician in charge of processing the licenses, the technical architect in charge of drafting the project and a representative of the community of owners.

This interview facilitates the granting of the license since the project is adapted exactly to the
requirements of the municipal technician.
With the basic project drawn up and knowing that the municipal license will be granted without difficulty, the community can request different estimates from installation companies in order to evaluate the cost of the installation on the same basis. This procedure tends to lower costs and considerably raise the quality / price ratio with respect to the traditional all-inclusive form that some installation companies usually offer.

Once the company that will carry out the work has been decided by the community of owners, there is only
draw up the "elevator installation execution project", apply for the municipal license and carry out the

The elevator project must attend to two clearly differentiated aspects:

Architectural description of the proposal: the elevator project must contain in a graphic and written way the urban conditions of the location of the new elevator (implantation on the site, patio, sidewalk ...), it must justifiably define all the structural elements that make up the box that will house the elevator car travel. It is also mandatory that the project describe the resulting accessibility conditions in the building after the planned works.

Description of the installation, with the characteristics of the tractor unit, guides, counterweights, security systems, ... The conditions of the electrical installation will be defined in detail with its single-line diagrams.



NOTE: If the elevator is of different types and heights, consult fees.


It includes the works that are the competence of other technicians of the Technical Architects, as established by the building management law 38/1999, referring to the installation of demountable cranes to be used in the works.

A crane is understood to be the discontinuous operating apparatus intended to lift and distribute in space the loads suspended from a fastening accessory.
Within this definition, among others, the so-called jib cranes, tower cranes
demountable, self-deploying tower cranes, mobile tower cranes in service, climbing tower cranes, etc.
The forms of professional performance for which the price will vary according to the option chosen by the client can be:

• Drafting and signing of the crane project, supervision and certification of the assembly.

• Drafting and signing of the crane project exclusively

• Assembly supervision and assembly certificate exclusively.
The work contractor must provide documentation such as the geotechnical study to know the state of the land and its bearing capacity or admissible tension, plans of the project such as layout and organization of the work, estimated time of the crane on site, existence of other cranes or works in the area or nearby, such as information on neighboring buildings, etc., although a visit to the crane installation site will be arranged.
NOTE: These prices are for buildings up to 24 meters high, for a higher height consult fees
The fees for design projects and calculation of structures for residential buildings, whether isolated single-family homes, semi-detached houses, multi-family buildings or schools, etc. will be calculated based on the m² calculated (the foundations are counted as an additional floor). The normal rate prices are for concrete structures and the special prices are for rehabilitation and metal structures.

These rates are indicative and could be corrected in the case of especially complex projects depending on the engineering hours required.

Collaboration starts from the design phase of the building (pre-dimensioning of the structural systems) and includes the calculation of foundations and structure, complete plans and details and calculation memory. All documentation will be delivered in electronic format.
Reinforced concrete structure - HA
First 1,000 m2: 1.3 euros / m2
From 1001 - 2000: 1.2 euros / m2
From 2,001 to 4,000 m2: 1.15 euros / m2
From 4,001 to 6,000 m2: 1.10 euros / m2
From 6,001 to 10,000: 1.05 euros / m2
more than 10,000 m2: € 1.00 m2
Metallic Structure -rehabilitation-Mixed
20% value added will be applied to HA prices
Note: To carry out the measurements and budget of the structure items, an additional 10% will be applied on the rate.
The calculation and design of elements outside the building will be charged separately (retaining walls, breakwaters, tanks, swimming pools, etc ...).
The cost of the visa + VAT will be added to the price per m2 provided.
Request the final structure calculation budget by sending the basic project
The fees for housing installation projects will be calculated based on the number of homes, according to the table. They include the projects of all the installations of the dwellings, include the justifications of the CTE corresponding to the projected installations and the energy rating.
The projects include DESIGN, CALCULATIONS, PLANS, MEMORY, MEASUREMENTS AND BUDGET for the facilities (to be delivered electronically without a visa), for incorporation into the architectural execution project.
For a block apartment building ,
- 1 home: 1080 euros / home
- From 2 to 10 units: 238 units / unit
- From 11am to 8pm: 196 units / living
- From 21 to 40: 178 units / living
- From 41 to 100: € 145 / living
For semi-detached houses:
1 home: 1624 euros / home
- From 2 to 10 units: 379 units / unit
- From 11am to 8pm: 329 units / living
- From 21 to 40: 271 units / living
- From 41 to 100: € 232 / living
garage facilities, activity projects will be charged separately
- The detached single-family house with calculation, design of all facilities with delivery of design plans, memory, calculation annexes, measurements and budget (plumbing, sanitation, electricity, solar, itc, lightning, gas, air conditioning, heating).
- Up to 400 m2 included: 2,500 euros + VAT + visa

1. Application, according to the official model, where the current destination of the farm and the intended destination is clearly specified. In the event that it acts through a representative, said representation must be accredited by any means valid in law that leaves a reliable record, or by means of a statement in the personal appearance of the interested party.

2. Public deed or any public documentation (Registration Certification, for example) that clearly proves the ownership, surface area, registration data, as well as the current use of the property / s licensed, and, in its In this case, the existence of a marginal note stating any type of special condition of the works license granted at the time.

3. Interior and exterior photographs of the affected property / s, where the current state of the property subject to the license is reflected. As a general rule, together with the change of use, a building license must be requested to adapt to said
I use the licensed farm. If it is not intended to request works, it must be justified, in a reasoned manner.

4. Self-assessment of fees, according to the official model, which will be:

- When the change of use is not accompanied by works: the minimum fee to be paid for any license.
- When the change of use is accompanied by adaptation works: the result of applying 2.5% to the budget for the material execution of the works to be carried out.

5. Technical Project, signed by a competent technician-Technical Architect and endorsed by the corresponding Professional Association, containing:

a) Detailed justifying report of compliance with the limitations established in the current PGOU for the intended use, indicating whether the new use is admissible by the current Planning. (When the change of use is to housing, an express justification of the maximum density of housing must be included).

b) Location map at 1/2000 scale with reference to the public and private roads that limit the entire block in which it is located (it can be purchased in reprography, located on the ground floor of this Municipal Urban Planning Management).

c) location plan at 1/500 scale, in which the situation of the farm within the property it occupies is clearly expressed.

d) Distribution plans and levels (current and modified status).
When it is intended to carry out adaptation works, in addition to the documentation indicated above, the following must be provided, also endorsed:

d.1) Descriptive memory of the works to be carried out.
d.2) Plans
d.3) Measurements and budget of the works to be executed.
d.4) Health and Safety Study or Basic Health and Safety Study (RD 1627/97).
d.5) Certificate of intervention of competent technician in the execution of the works.
The indicative fees that must be confirmed by the technician to change the use of premises to housing are the following:
- 1,550 EUROS up to 150 m2 without the need for works
- 3,150 euros up to 150 m2 with minor works
- For major works consult (structure-facade etc.)

A self-protection plan according to the law that regulates it in RD 393/2007 is a system of actions and measures, adopted by the owners of the activities, public or private, with their own means and resources, within their scope of competences, designed to prevent and control risks to people and property, to provide an adequate response to possible emergency situations and to guarantee the integration of these actions into the public civil protection system.

From here we establish the rates for the drafting and registration of the self-protection plans that contain the emergency part:

1) If the building plans are provided without the need for prior survey:

- Establishments of up to 2000 m2: 0.30 euros / m2 built

- Establishments of more than 2000 m2: 0.25 euros / m2 constructed

2) If the building plans are not provided and a preliminary survey must be carried out:

- Establishments of up to 2000 m2: 0.45 euros / m2 built

- Establishments of more than 2000 m2: 0.40 euros / m2 constructed

To the fees for the drafting of the plan, the cost of traveling to the building, premises, etc. will have to be added at a rate of 0.25 euros / km from kilometer 20 + endorsement of the plan by the association of sponsors + procedures and procedures for registration of the plan in the GVA + VAT.


At CERTASVAL we offer this service for (VAT not included):

  • € 95 / quarter: buildings with 1 to 9 homes.

  • € 145 / quarter: buildings with 10 to 19 homes.

  • € 195 / quarter: buildings with 20 to 29 homes.

  • € 245 / quarter: buildings with 20 to 49 homes.

  • € 295 / quarter: buildings with 50 or more homes.


Drafting and programming of the quality control plan prior to the start of the works as a document attached to the project and subsequent registration and incorporation into the building book. The monitoring of said plan and its implementation is included in the material execution management fees.



Drafting of the waste management study for new plant construction, demolition and rehabilitation works according to RD 105/2008 prior to the start of the works as a document attached to the project and which must be signed or signed by the promoter upon delivery to the contractor so that This later I drew up the waste management plan. CERTASVAL offers this technical service so that the developer can deliver said study / project of waste that will be generated on site and that is mandatory by law.

Prices are as follows :

PEM up to 250,000 euros: 300 euros + VAT

PEM up to 350,000 euros: 350 euros + VAT

PEM up to 500,000 euros: 400 euros + VAT

PEM between 500,000 euros -1,000,000: 500 euros + VAT

for PEM over 1,000,000 euros: 600 euros + VAT


CERTASVAL offers this technical service for existing buildings in the various cases of requirement in which they can be presented and which are detailed in the corresponding article on the blog of the certasval page.

Prices are as follows :

600 euros + VAT + VISA in cases in which good state of conservation is assessed with visual inspection including:

- Inspection of the property by a certified technician (technical architect) and with civil liability insurance in force.

- Drafting of the safety and soundness certificate.

- Delivery of the certificate signed and endorsed by the corresponding professional association. A paper copy and a digital copy are delivered.

- Consult price for cases of poor conservation of the structure where additional actions are required.


CERTASVAL offers this technical service for existing and new buildings in the various cases of requirement in which they may be presented and which are detailed in the corresponding article on the blog of the certasval page. This procedure is necessary since it did not exist at the time neither project nor 1st occupation license with which the building is an illegal work requiring its legalization.

Prices are as follows :

- Certificate or final report of DEO legalization new construction without license of 1st occupation up to 300 m2 built: 1,500 + VAT + VISA .

- Certificate or final report of DEO legalization new construction without license of 1st occupation of 300 m2 up to 1000 m2 built: 2,000 + VAT + VISA.

- Certificate or final report of DEO legalization new construction without license of 1st occupation> 1000 m2 built up to 2,500 m2: 3,000 + VAT + VISA.

The tests and trials if necessary for the verification of constructive elements such as the structure to guarantee solidity and stability are separate.

DEO = Director of Work Execution

- For projects of legalization in Works without a license in existing buildings, in dwellings-premises, swimming pools, etc. and other cases where a legalization project is carried out + final certificate of legalization: CONSULT


Complete portable bullring project : descriptive and constructive reports + evacuation and emergency plan + electrical project + fire prevention report + plans + structure calculation + license processing with municipal agency = 3,200 euros

Final certificate of security and solidity installation : = 650 euros



Measurement of land and parcels using GPS to obtain georeferenced coordinates for validation before cadastre, inheritance, expert reports, boundaries, notary or property registry from 400 euros including travel, rental of equipment, data collection and preparation in dispatch of georeferenced report and the corresponding Technical certificate

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