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Aimed at: Housing buildings (including single-family) and any other use (administrative, health, educational, cultural, etc.) regulated by the Building Planning Law (LOE).

Application submission: From December 17, 2020 to July 31, 2021.

Justification period: 18 months from the date of notification of the resolution of the granting of the aid.

Total program budget: € 25,900,000 ".


The persons and entities listed below may be beneficiaries, as long as they have tax residence in Spain:

  1. Individuals or legal entities of a private or public nature who own existing buildings for the uses established in article 3 of the call.

  2. The communities of owners or groups of communities of owners of residential buildings for housing use, constituted in accordance with the provisions of article 5 of Law 49/1960, of July 21, on Horizontal Property.

  3. The owners who together are owners of buildings, who meet the requirements established in article 396 of the Civil Code and have not granted the title establishing Horizontal Property.

  4. The operating companies, tenants or concessionaires of buildings, who certify said condition through a long-term contract in force with the property, which gives them express power to undertake the reform works object of the action to be included in the Program.

  5. Energy service companies (ESEs), or energy service providers defined in Royal Decree 56/2016, of February 12. In order to be beneficiaries, these companies must act in accordance with the contract that they have established for this purpose with the property and carry out the investments included in any of the types of actions included in this call, having to prove their performance as an energy services company and the investment made.

  6. Local entities and the institutional public sector of any public administrations referred to in article 2.2 of Law 40/2015 of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.

  7. The renewable energy communities and the citizen energy communities, as defined in Directive 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and of Directive 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as well as article 4 of the Royal Decree- Law 23/2020, of June 23.


  1. The types of eligible action will be the following:

  • Typology 1: Improvement of the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope.

  • Typology 2: Improvement of energy efficiency and renewable energy in thermal installations for heating, air conditioning, ventilation and sanitary hot water, which include the following subtypes:

2.1 Substitution of conventional energy for solar thermal energy.

2.2 Substitution of conventional energy for geothermal energy.

2.3 Substitution of conventional energy for biomass in thermal installations.

2.4 Improvement of the energy efficiency of the generation systems not included in the three previous subsections (high energy efficiency aerothermal and hydrothermal energy, natural and forced ventilation systems, free cooling systems by outside air, heat and air recovery systems extraction and use of residual energy, systems that use evaporative techniques, etc.

2.5 Improvement of the energy efficiency of the distribution, regulation, control and emission subsystems of thermal installations.

  • Typology 3: Improvement of the energy efficiency of lighting installations. To be eligible, the installed power in new lighting or in the existing installation on which it is acted must be greater than 10 kWe in collective housing buildings and 40 kWe in the rest of the buildings.

The description and particularities of each of these actions are specified in the annex to the call.

  1. The eligible actions included in each of the listed typologies will be carried out in buildings intended for one or more of the following uses:

    1. Single-family dwelling buildings.

    2. Buildings of collective residential housing typology.

    3. Buildings for any other use (administrative, health, educational, cultural, etc.) than those regulated by article 2.1 of Law 38/1999, of November 5, on Building Planning (LOE).

  2. Likewise, eligible actions may be framed in one of the following options:

    • Option A: Incentives for interventions in complete existing buildings, including single-family homes.

    • Option B: Incentives for interventions on one or more dwellings or premises in the same building, considered individually or as parts of an existing building.

  1. Only actions whose investment has been carried out after the date of registration of the aid application will be considered eligible, and any cost related to the execution of the action that has been previously invoiced will not be considered eligible, without prejudice to the costs corresponding to preparatory actions that are necessary to submit the application or carry out the corresponding investments, such as projects, technical reports, certificates, etc., which may be considered eligible, even if they had been previously invoiced, provided that, in all In this case, these preparatory actions would have started after August 7, 2020, the date of entry into force of the Aid Program in accordance with the provisions of article 4 of Royal Decree 737/2020, of August 4.

  2. The actions subject to aid must justify a reduction in final energy consumption of 10% with respect to their starting situation.

  3. The actions to be supported must improve the total energy rating of the building by at least one letter measured on the carbon dioxide emissions scale (kg CO2 / m2 year), with respect to the initial energy rating of the building. This criterion will not apply in the following cases:

    1. When the building proves to have an energy rating A and improvement measures are proposed; in this case, the additional energy efficiency aid that will be applied will be that corresponding to the final energy rating A.

    2. When the building, being one of those included in section 2.c) of this article, does not have a procedure for its energy rating. In this case you must reduce your final energy consumption by 20% as an effect equivalent to improving one letter.

This improvement in its energy rating may be obtained by carrying out a typology of action or a combination of several, as well as by carrying out partial measures of one or more different actions. The energy certification of the building will be carried out in accordance with the regulations, through recognized official computer programs.

  1. The project object of the aid must be within the territory of the Valencian Community.

  2. The following actions will not be eligible:

    1. Those made in buildings built in 2007 or later.

    2. Interventions in which the built surface or volume is increased.

    3. Interventions in existing buildings that lead to a change in the use of the building.

  3. For the application of the aid corresponding to the use of the building, depending on whether it is for housing or for a different use, the surface built above ground will be considered, which will be justified by cadastral consultation. In this sense, to be considered a building for residential use, at least 70% of its built surface above ground must be used for this specific use. In this case, the amount of the aid will be applied as housing use to the entire area on which it acts.

Amount of Aid

  1. The amount of the aid will be the sum of the Base Aid and the Additional Aid that may correspond, in each case, depending on the fulfillment of the criteria indicated in section 3 of this article.

  2. The amount of the Base Aid will be different if the actions are carried out under Option A and / or Option B and will depend on the type of action (see summary table of grants).

  3. The Additional Help will be graduated based on the criteria, social, energy efficiency and integrated action, as defined below:

    1. Energy efficiency: actions that raise the building's energy rating to obtain an energy class "A" or "B", on the CO2 scale, or increase the initial energy rating by two letters, according to the procedure established in the Royal Decree 235/2013.

    2. Integrated action: The following cases will be entitled to additional help for integrated action:

  4. Social criterion: actions that are carried out in housing buildings that are definitively classified under any public protection regime by the competent body of the Valencian Community, or actions carried out in residential buildings located in the Urban or Rural Regeneration and Renovation Areas, in accordance with with the State Housing Plan 2018-2021, regulated by Royal Decree 106/2018. Those consumers who have been granted the social bonus may also take advantage of this social criterion.

      1. Buildings for residential use that simultaneously carry out the combination of two or more types of action than those defined in the annex, one of them being compulsory on the thermal envelope (type 1) that supposes a minimum decrease in global demand for heating and cooling of 30%, combined with another action on the thermal installation of type 2 (subtypes 2.2 to 2.4) that involves, at least, the replacement of 60% of the existing thermal generation power. In the event that a solar thermal installation is carried out (subtype 2.1), the condition will be that it covers at least 30% of the energy demand for sanitary hot water and / or swimming pool heating, calculated as established in the Technical Code of the Building in the case of typology S1 or 30% of the demand for heating and / or cooling in the case of typologies S2 and S3.

      2. Buildings for other uses, different from housing, that simultaneously carry out the combination of two or more types of action than those defined in the annex, one of them being compulsory on the thermal envelope (type 1) that involves a minimum decrease in the Global heating and cooling demand of 30%, combined with another action on the thermal installation of type 2 (subtypes 2.2 to 2.4) that supposes, at least, the replacement of 60% of the existing thermal generation power. In the event that a solar thermal installation is carried out (subtype 2.1), the condition will be that it covers at least 30% of the energy demand for sanitary hot water and / or swimming pool heating, calculated as established in the Technical Code of the Building in the case of typology S1 or 30% of the demand for heating and / or cooling in the case of typologies S2 and S3.

      3. Buildings for other uses, different from housing, that simultaneously carry out the combination of two or more types of action than those defined in the annex, one of them being compulsory on the thermal envelope (type 1) that involves a minimum decrease in the Global demand in heating and cooling of 30%, combined with another action of type 3 (interior lighting) that involves a renovation of more than 25% of the lighting surface that meets the basic requirement HE-3 of the Technical Code of the building.

      4. In the three previous cases, one of the types of action (2 or 3) may be replaced by the realization of a photovoltaic solar installation or other renewable electricity generation technology, with or without accumulation, intended for the building's self-consumption when its power installed is at least 10% of the contracted electrical power. The photovoltaic installation will not be considered an eligible cost.

      5. Buildings included within a renewable energy community or a citizen energy community will be eligible for additional aid.

The above actions must be duly justified through the energy rating of the current building and the future rehabilitated building.



In the case of companies that are companies or entities that carry out commercial or commercial activity, the additional investment costs necessary to achieve a higher level of energy efficiency or to promote the production of energy from renewable sources are considered eligible costs (Articles 38 and 41 of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014, of the Commission, of June 17, 2014) and will be determined by the difference between the eligible cost of the project and a reference investment of a similar project, which implies less energy efficiency and which it could have been credibly done without the help.

In the event that the beneficiaries are individuals, non-profit organizations or public entities and non-economic activities are supported by these that do not represent an economic advantage for a company, in these cases the eligible cost will be the eligible cost of the project.

On the other hand, eligible costs are those that are necessary to achieve the energy objectives of this Program, and that are indicated in the Annex of the call for aid for each of the above types of action, and those that are listed below :

  1. The professional fees paid for the preparation, by the competent technician, of the energy efficiency certificate provided for in Royal Decree 235/2013.

  2. The costs of managing the application for the aid.

  3. The costs of drafting technical projects.

  4. The costs of the optional management of the actions.

  5. The costs of execution of the works and / or facilities.

  6. The investment in equipment and materials made.

  7. The costs of writing reports and other documentation required for the application and justification of these grants.

  8. The costs of managing the justification for carrying out the actions.

  9. The auditor's report on the supporting account.

  10. The report that certifies the adequate performance of the actions that are the object of the aid issued by a control body or control entity.

  11. Other necessary items (auxiliary or not) specific to each type of action.

  12. Licenses, fees, taxes or tributes are not considered eligible costs. However, VAT may be considered eligible as long as it cannot be recovered or partially or fully compensated.

Those expenses that the applicant or beneficiary of the aid could satisfy a company or professional for carrying out the administrative and documentary management of their application will be considered as costs of managing the application, so such expenses, to be admitted as an eligible cost, they must be duly contemplated and detailed in a document or binding contractual offer formalized with the corresponding employer or professional, a copy of which will be accompanied along with the rest of the documentation that must accompany the request for assistance in accordance with the provisions of the Article 10 of the call, justifying the reality of said expenses, as established in Article 14, by providing an independent invoice where they are duly specified, in addition to the documentation that may be required to justify their payment. In no case will it be admitted that such management expenses exceed 4% of the amount of the requested aid, with a limit of 3,000 euros per file.

The total maximum eligible cost admitted in the Program to defray the expenses derived from the preparation of the report that certifies the adequate performance of the actions issued by a control body or entity, of management of the justification of the performance of the actions and of the Preparation of the auditor's report on the supporting account of the project, may not globally exceed seven percent of the amount of the requested aid, with a limit of 7,000 euros per file. The performance and billing of these services may be carried out during the period granted to present the supporting documentation.

The actions carried out within the scope of this call for aid will have the following limits applicable to all types of eligible actions:

  • Minimum eligible cost per application: € 10,000

  • Maximum eligible cost per application: € 5,000,000




Documentation to present in general:

Help request: the application will be adapted to the standardized model which will be generated through the application web application accessible in the section 'Attached documentation', which will include the responsible statements established in article 10 of the call.

Documentation that must accompany the application, which must also be submitted using the same means used for submitting the application:

  1. Project or technical report , in the event that a project is not required, where the actions to be carried out and the starting situation are adequately described, signed by a competent technician or installer, if applicable. The project or technical report will justify compliance with the basic requirements of the Basic Energy Saving Document DB-HE of the Technical Building Code that is applicable to the typology for which help is requested. In the case of Option A, the project or technical report presented will include a description of the sections described in the technical report model, available on the IVACE website. In the case of option B, it will only be necessary to present a technical report according to the model available on the IVACE website, according to the action to be carried out.

  2. Budget of the company or companies that will carry out the execution of the actions, sufficiently broken down, dated after August 8, 2020.

  3. For those actions with an investment of more than € 1,000,000 , private entities must include in the technical report or project a specific financing plan where an analysis of the capacity of the requesting entity to undertake it is carried out and in which they are detailed aspects such as relationship between project cost and annual balance sheet, project cost and working capital, etc. In substitution of this document, the public entities will present a document that reflects the existence of a budget item for the execution of the project object of the subsidy.

  4. Document of the amount of aid requested , obtained from the spreadsheet provided at

Specifically, depending on the type of person or entity requesting the aid, you must submit the rest of the documentation specified in article 10 of the call. To facilitate the application for grants, as a summary, you can consult a pdf document on the right margin of the website with the documentation to be submitted depending on the type of applicant entity.


In accordance with article 10 of the call, the processing of both the application, and the procedure in general, will be electronic and will require the requesting person or entity to have at all stages of the procedure the certificate of entity representative - or of natural person - issued by the Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, or by any entity recognized in the Trust List of certification service providers established in Spain, published in the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

Likewise, the requesting person or entity may authorize another person to carry out any procedure related to this call provided that said authorization is recorded in the ACCV's Registry of Representatives ( -representatives / ).

The processing of the application implies the signature of it and its annexes and it will be presented in the IVACE electronic register through its website.

If you want more information or any clarification, call CERTASVAL at 601093372 or contact by email at or if you prefer to , we are competent technicians to carry out the reports and technical projects required on existing building as well as the construction management and health and safety coordination with the final issuance of the final construction certificate. DO NOT STAY BEHIND AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY

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